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Treatment abroad

Treatment abroad is the best solution for those who want to improve their health. Wellness tours are especially popular in European countries. They are rapidly developing in the western and northern parts. The best clinics in Europe have the most modern equipment for the prevention of various diseases. Also, they contain a large number of healing natural resources that help for recovery. Sanatorium treatment abroad is gaining momentum every year, so it’s better to make a timely decision and have time to go at affordable prices.

Among the large number of European countries that offer these services, Switzerland and the Czech Republic occupy leading positions. It is there that the oldest health resorts are located, which have remained popular for many years. Sanatoriums abroad provide treatment for cerebral palsy, asthma, tuberculosis, as well as various cardiovascular diseases.

How to combine rest and treatment?

To date, spa centers are located in all health resorts in Europe. It is there that a number of procedures are carried out that improve human health. These include: massage, hot baths, aromatic baths, saunas, salt rooms. If you want to relax and improve your health, then you need to ask about the availability of the latest equipment in the hotel. Beaches are located on the territories of some sanatoriums,
where a number of wellness programs are held daily.

Treatment in Europe is very different from other resorts. It is on the territory of Western countries that the most popular thermal resorts are located. Hot springs that have been used for hundreds of years. Even 5 years ago, thermal resorts were completely inaccessible to ordinary people. Now the price of such resorts has become absolutely affordable for everyone. Sanatorium treatment in Europe is used not only by elderly people, but also by young people who want to maintain their health.

лечение в европе цены
Treatment abroad 2

With the development of medicine, Ayurveda began to develop with treatment in sanatoriums abroad. This is an ancient system that was previously only available in India. Its treatments include: acupuncture, specialized thermal rooms, massages, as well as diets. Ayurvedic treatment is used to maintain harmony of body and spirit. Thus, a person can not only relax and unwind, but also cleanse his body of various

Treatment abroad: prices

People often ask the question: “How much does treatment abroad cost?”. In this part
of the article we will list the most popular resorts with their prices.

  • Switzerland. On the territory of this beautiful country there are the best health resorts in Europe for treatment. The most popular of them are located high in the mountains. It is there that a person can breathe in fresh air, enjoy the beautiful scenery, as well as undergo a number of wellness procedures. The price for this service starts from $ 1,000 per week and is the best choice.
  • Germany. This country is famous for its spa treatments. It is here that the best equipment is located, as well as the most professional specialists. Apartments in Germany are distinguished by exclusivity, aristocracy and elegance. Here you will not only improve your health, but also have a great time. The price of these sanatoriums abroad with treatment starts from $ 1800 per week.
  • Austria. This country is famous for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system. Such sanatoriums in Europe with treatment include a large variety of procedures for joints, bones and muscles. Here, seemingly terminally ill patients are put on their feet. The cost of such treatment abroad is from 1300 dollars per week.
  • Czech Republic. The resorts of Europe for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, as well as stomach problems are located here. There are more than 50 sanatoriums in the vast expanses of this country. Prices here start from $1,000 per week.

Summing up, I would like to say that the treatment of diseases abroad is quite an
affordable service. If you feel that your health condition has deteriorated, you need to
urgently go to health resorts!

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We will send you a medical invitation from Switzerland and book the hotel for further visa application in your country.

What are the treatment steps?

Learn more about all treatment steps from application to return home.

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