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Tatjana Hermann


Life and health are very valuable gifts. Only
patient care and the scientific approach to
treatment can give health.


Briefly about me and our mission

My name is Tatjana Hermann, I have been living in the Swiss city of Zurich since 2000. I am fluent in Russian, German and English. Therefore, the patients who turn to us will not have any language difficulties with the medical staff. It so happens that I am personally acquainted with many doctors in Switzerland and maintain friendly relations. That is why I want to offer you the choice of clinics and doctors in Switzerland, because I am familiar only with the best of the best experts, knowing how to save your finances. It is arranged in such a way that in clinics with the same equipment there can be a big difference in the price of the patient’s stay, depending on where the clinic is located and with what view from the window (to the mountains or the forest). In turn, I can coordinate with the doctor about the appointment and even the carrying out of operations of the patient in a particular clinic. Well, of course, everything is individual for each patient. I wish you good health, see you in Switzerland!

Интервью с доктором:

Предоставляемые услуги:


авиабилетов и туристические услуги


на медицинские консультации


(аэропорт/отель/больница, внутренний транспорт)


к врачам и на лечебные процедуры


в бронировании отеля


швейцарское медицинское обслуживание

Услуги переводчика

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Hermann health - организация лечения в Швейцарии
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    Hermann health - organization of treatment in Switzerland
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